Monday, March 23, 2009

Adorable David

This is one of a whole set of similar photos dad took of us kids around the same time. Too cute.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Smooching Before the Honeymoon

Isn't she beautiful!
They look so happy. Love is in the air. In this photo Mom and Dad are smooching in the back seat on their way to their honeymoon. They were so in love, and stayed that way till the day she died. I can only hope and pray that God will bless me with a marriage as happy and loving as theirs.

Grandma and Grandpa Brown

Formal photograph of Grandma and Grandpa Brown.
What can I say? They were the best grandparents ever! I have been so blessed to have experienced first hand the amazing marriages of both my parents and grandparents. I hope to be blessed with a marriage as happy and as loving as theirs someday.

The Infamous Fuzzy Sucker Christmas With Kathryn and David

One minute you're having fun playing with your toys and enjoying your lollipop, then you take a moment to pose for the camera and the next thing you know your are licking a fuzzy sucker! What a dissapointment. Makes for amazingly cute photos though.

David's Photo Strip

David's photo shoot. What a super cutie and a ham too!

Raggedy Ann Christmas With Kathryn and David

That life sized Raggedy Ann doll was my favorite doll ever! My brother, David, got that crazy little clown. That clown suit was so cute! The Raggedy Ann dolls were the inspiration for the life sized ones that I made for my children when they were younger. I created them with the same hair and eye color and styles as each child.
I don't know why the photo scanned with so much white around the edge. Sorry.